Feel at home in your body again.

Whether you’re pregnant, a new or longterm mom, or not even thinking about kids…

If you’re feeling disconnected from your body, unsure about what to do (or not do),

or worried you’ll just have to live like this…

I’d love to help you regain control of your physical health and well-being

so you feel strong, confident, and at ease in your body.


Pelvic Health & Women’s Health Physical Therapy

In-person care in the comfort of your own home.


Greek for “well-being”



Pregnancy & Postpartum Care

Pelvic Health

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Home Visits

Home visits available for those in NYC


Hi! I’m Leigh.

Leigh Welsh, PT, DPT, OCS

Orthopedic & Women’s Health PT

I’m passionate about helping women learn about their bodies and feel in control of their physical well-being. When your physical health is off, it impacts all other areas of your life — and vice versa.

As women, we tend to be givers & nurturers. And once you become pregnant, the priority automatically shifts to the nurturing of your child. Our healthcare system reinforces this discrepancy of care - think about the number of medical appointments a new baby has vs. a new mom!

Then think about what you just accomplished! You’d probably receive more attention if you injured yourself training for a 5K — and pregnancy takes way longer…

And let’s face it, pregnancy, childbirth, & parenting don’t always go smoothly. Chances are you can relate to one of these things…

  • Your back hurts every time you pick up your baby

  • You’re embarrassed about leaking when you try to exercise

  • You could be confused about everything you’re reading online

  • You’re grieving the loss of your pre-pregnancy body

  • You’re scared to have sex

  • You’re worried you’ll never feel like yourself again

And likely you’ve been told that it’s all normal… that it’s just how it is after having kids… that you just need to do some Kegels.

But that’s not the case. You can feel stronger & more confident in your body.

I want to help you cut through the confusion & focus a bit on your well-being so you feel connected & in control of your body — so you can be the mom you want to be without losing yourself.

How Evexia is Different

Customized sessions that fit your life

Collaboration with your health and wellness team

Convenience and comfort of sessions from home

Communication between sessions for continuous support